articles and chapters
(accepted pending replication) ‘The MAUP as a threat to inference in political science’ Political Analysis
(2023) ‘Fiscal and information capacity in the developing world’ (with Matthias vom Hau and Jose Alejandro Peres Cajías) Journal of Institutional Economics. Preprint (pdf)
(2021) ‘The drug trade and state violence in internal conflicts: evidence from Peru’ (with Angelica Durán-Martínez) Latin American Politics & Society in vol.63 #4 (Winter) pp.96-123.
(2020) ‘Shadow Cases in comparative research’ Qualitative and Multi-Method Research vol.18 #2 (Fall) pp.9-18
(2020) ‘The Indigenous Inheritance: Critical Antecedents and State-Building in Latin America and Southeast Asia’ (with Dan Slater) Social Science History vol.44 #2 pp.251-274
(2019) ‘Choosing the unit of analysis in subnational comparison’ Chapter 3 in Inside Countries: Subnational Research in Comparative Politics edited by Agustina Giraudy, Eduardo Moncada, and Richard Snyder (Cambridge University Press)
(2017) ‘The Bolivarian Education Reform in Context’ Journal of Latin American Studies vol. 49#4 (November) pp.885-916 (with Jared Abbott & Matthias vom Hau)
(2017) ‘Capturing subnational variation in state capacity: a survey-based approach’ American Behavioral Scientist, July, vol.61 #8 pp.887-907 (with Juan Pablo Luna)
(2017) ‘New Scholarship on Peru’s Internal Conflict: A Review Essay’ Latin American Politics and Society vol.59 #1 (Spring) pp.143-153.
(2016) ‘Regionalism, Ethnic Diversity, and Variation in Public Good Provision by National States’ Comparative Political Studies vol.49 #10 (September) pp.1341-71.
(2016) ‘The Development of State Capacity’ (Chapter 10 in Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism edited by Tulia Falleti, Orfeo Fioretos, and Adam Sheingate) pp.181-194.
(2013) ‘State Power and the Redistributive Threat’ Studies in Comparative International Development vol.48 #1 (March) pp.1-22. (erratum published in vol.51 #4 pp.530-538, including replication dataset and code at Harvard dataverse.)
(2013) ‘Elite Preferences, Administrative Institutions, and Educational Development During Peru’s Aristocratic Republic 1895-1919’ in Miguel Centeno and Agustín Ferraro, eds. State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain: Republics of the Possible (Cambridge University Press) Chapter Twelve pp.247-269.
(2012) ‘The Causal Logic of Critical Junctures’ Comparative Political Studies vol.45 #12 (December), pp.1572-1597.
(2012) ‘Measuring State Capacity in Contemporary Latin America’ Revista de Ciencia Política vol.32 #3 (November-December) pp.585-598.
(2009) ‘The Sources of Infrastructural Power: Evidence from 19th Century Chilean Education’ Latin American Research Review vol.44 #2, pp.158-180.
(2008) ‘State Infrastructural Power: Conceptualization and Measurement in Empirical Analysis’ Studies in Comparative International Development vol.43 #3-4 pp.231-251 (November)
(2008) (with Matthias vom Hau) ‘Unpacking the ‘Strength’ of the State: The Utility of State Infrastructural Power’ Studies in Comparative International Development vol.43 #3-4 pp.219-230 (November)